
Video Tech Blog #12: 1.5 theory, hybrid practice, buzzsaw flower inversion

The 1.5 pattern in Mireneye's video a few weeks ago gave me a devil of a time and now I think I know why--I think it's a different type of circle-pendulum combo. Here's some theory as to what I think the difference is as well as demonstrating the two in a variety of positions and a couple really odd patterns this experimentation led me to. Plus an update on the hybrid practice technique from last week and I start to play with inversions.

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Video Tech Blog #11: Buzzsaw flowers, hybrids, 1.5s

Playing around with asymmetrical buzzsaw flower variations, tips from Alien Jon on how to practice unit circle hybrids, and a 1.5 variation from Mireneye's recent tech poi vid.

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Video Tech Blog #9: Hybrid, antispin flower, hyperloop

Working my way through the four basic isolation vs. extension patterns--cateye patterns to come next. Revisiting turning with the polyrhythm trifoil hybrid, antispin buzzsaw flowers/fountains, and some sloppy attempts at hyperloops.

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