
The Top 10 Poi Spinners of 2012

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Saturday night at Firedrums 2009

A sample of the craziness of the circle at Firedrums 2009 in the circle Saturday night. Seriously, there was so much damn fire the safeties must've been going crazy. Cyrille is spinning just to the left of center about midway back, but I don't recognize any of the other spinners in this vid. If you do, let me know and I'll add them to the tags. Seriously, down in front, motherf$%ker!

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Yuta and Cyrille spin Saturday night at Firedrums 2009

Gah! Attack of the blurry! You can still make out some of the details of what Cyrille and Yuta were doing together. Incidentally if any of you out there have this problem with your camera, it turns out it can be fixed by swiping your hand real quickly in front of the lense, causing the camera to refocus.

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