linear extension

Poi Tech Blog #105: opposites and 1.5 pulseweaves

First up, a short recap of the last video as the audio was of awful quality. Next up, a couple additional variations on the pulseweave concept performed with the poi in opposites or as a 1.5. The opposites one seems to yield line extensions on one side and linear isolations on the other. As for the 1.5s, given that there are four distinct positions each hand can occupy in the course of this move, it also means that there are a possible 16 different combinations for how this move can be performed (both pendulums forward, both pendulums back, one forward and one back, etc).

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Poi Tech Blog #104: pulseweave fountains

Sorry about the audio! Earlier this week, Alien Jon posted a video on a concept he was calling pulseweaves--an intersection between linear extensions and 3-beat weaves. Based upon his idea, I've been playing with a fountain that utilizes the grid we're familiar with playing with from elliptical CAPs. It has a funky side-effect in that moving around it antispin results in extensions in the middle, but moving around it inspin results in antispin petals in the middle.

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Video Tech Blog #66: isolations and iso throws, BTH CAP hybrids

 I'm back to drilling isolations in hopes of getting down the elusive isolated weave, but shooting for lower hanging fruit in the form of the iso to lockout combination guys like Nevisoul and Ronan have made famous. I'm specifically working on getting the isolated bit in the middle locked into the iso position like they have to make it really pop.

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Video Tech Blog #41: Plane-bending exercises, CAP-ellipse transitions, atomic flow

After an exhausting but wonderfully fun and educational weekend at the PEX Summer Festival, I've got a whole bunch of new tech courtesy the patient guidance of Richmond's Lucas Boyd. First up is a plane-bending exercise I've started playing with to explore all three planes by transitioning between them with floats. I've got same-time same direction and same-time opposites so far. After that, some cool CAP effects including a way to transition between CAPS using linear extensions, which also adds one more type of CAP turn to those I demoed in my tutorial a few weeks ago.

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Video Tech Blog #27: Turning with the Triquetra, butterfly isolations

This week we have a replay of some of last week's action, being as how it was too blurry to make out, as well as working on turning with the triquetra, mercedes, antispin hybrid--whatever you want to call it. Ironically, even though I've been working on turning from forward to reverse over my right shoulder, I'm finding the turns the other direction easier. Also: I've returned to my isolation intensive exercises and am now working on opposites. My split-time is a spot cleaner than same time, but that was the case with the same-direction variants too.

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Video Tech Blog #26: the CAP cross, butterfly anti-spin flowers, and a word on hardware

I've cleaned up the top and bottom CAPs from last week such to the point they're at least recognizable as this now. The next step will be to integrate them with the CAP-float pattern Insignia and I have been playing with to be able to do both the diamond hybrid pattern and bisect it like a cross as Zan is doing in the Arizona Transmission video. I got some feedback on my butterfly antispin flowers--especially in how they've been integrating into my CAP patterns and have come to realize I'm doing the wrong kind of flower. Back to the drawing board on that one.

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