linear isolations

Video Tech Blog #72: inverted mixed transitions

DerPoiBenne sent me an inquiry about doing a mixed transition with loop up top and extension down below inverted and it turns out it's doable with a stall. Here it is performed in split opposites such that one segment is antispin flower and the other is extension. I'd originally misunderstood what he was suggesting and did the loop as a major translation/linear isolation, so here is an interesting 4-step pattern using this property as well.

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Video Tech Blog #56: plane-bending linear isolations, pendulum stalls, diagonal planes

A quick break from the past two weeks' theory-heavy blogs. Here are a couple random moves I've been working on in the interrim that I wanted to show off. First is drilling my way through a type of plane-bending that G is now famous for--switching between inswing linear isolations (they could also be CAPs) and horizontal linear isolations. Next are some exotic pendulum stalls I picked up from watching a recent Ronan video. I'm a huge fan of these types of stalls and keep finding new applications for them.

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