Video Tech Blog #109: pendulum vs CAP with a point iso on top

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I made a stop this past weekend at Nairobi National Park just outside the city to take in some wildlife and untouched African wilderness and it gave me the perfect opportunity to record a video! I know I've been doing a lot with pendulum vs CAP lately and I probably will keep on doing so because what I'm finding is so much fun! Here I've been working to put together a point isolation with a pendulum to create the illusion of the two poi moving together like a single line. Here is one such example where with an out of phase CAP vs pendulum with the CAP on top, you can use a point iso to get the effect described above and switch into a low pendulum vs CAP that is in-phase and back again.

I promise I'll get some footage of some of the students here up and online as soon as I can. For now, enjoy!

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