Video Tech Blog #183: the hybrid family challenge

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This is a little bit of an experiment in interactivity with this vlog. I've played a lot in recent videos with the concept of a hybrid family--a move that will interlock with other moves at a specific or multiple positions. I've take this idea to the point where I can take some of my favorite moves and at each of the 4 compass points be able to transition to a completely different type of move. In this vid I demo triquetra vs pendulum and use it to switch to a point isolation, a windmill, a horizontal stack, and a unit circle hybrid. My challenge is thus: take your favorite move, work out the hybrid family for it at each of the four compass points, and post the results as a video response to this video on YouTube. Get creative--I've already seen other folks out there dabbling in this concept and coming up with exciting results! :)

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