Drex's Tech Poi Blog #274: 3:3 hybrids as body tracers part 1

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Back at FLAME Festival in Georgia, Kory San and I had an interesting conversation after watching some of Ted Petrosky's body tracers. We realized that many of the body tracers he was performing could also be considered hybrids and we wondered then whether all hybrids that mashed up inspin and antispin flowers would have body tracer corollaries. This past weekend at Spark, Noel and I had a similar chat that took the concept a step farther, realizing that if you're using even downbeat hybrids such as the 3:3 hybrids from the Vulcan Tech Gospel videos, there should be at least 3 body tracers for each hybrid: one where the antispin flower traces, one where the inspin flower traces, and one where both trace. I spent a good portion of the weekend figuring out each and every one of these patterns (there turn out to be 48 of them). Here are all the patterns for diamond mode antispin flowers. Wednesday's video will be for the box mode antis. In this video I'm using VTG terminology for timing and direction. Here's a key for this:

TS = Together same (same time same direction)
TO = Together opposite (same time opposites)
SS = Split same (split time same direction)
SO = Split opposites (split time opposites)


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