Holiday Shopping for a Good Cause

Last week I got tagged in what turned out to be an incredibly badass and informative post by Cory Oliver from Florida. He’d discovered that Amazon has added a feature wherein they will donate .5% of your purchase to the charity of your choice. Currently all the charities they have listed to donate to are those that appear on Guidestar, so regrettably some of my favorites are not there.

To take advantage of this service, go to and select your charity of choice. I grok that they’re not sharing a huge amount with the charities in question, but it’s definitely better than nothing. If you and your friends are planning on doing any bit of your Christmas shopping on Amazon, it doesn’t add any cost to your order and it’s a good way to give a little bit back.

Here are a few of the listed charities related to the flow arts that are totally deserving of getting a Christmas gift from you this year:

  • Fund the Flow Arts
    Based in San Francisco, this is the non-profit that was created after Burning Dan’s death to spread the love and knowledge of the Flow Arts. They do flow arts education, fund the Flow Show, and provide grants for flow artists to spread their art in creative ways.
  • International Jugglers Association
    The oldest professional organization for jugglers in the world. They host the country’s biggest juggling convention every year as well as competitions and outreach.
  • Clowns without Borders
    This organization sends missions of clowns to developing nations or the sites of conflicts to bring entertainment and laughter to the lives of children affected by famine, disease, war, and other crises. They teach workshops to the children and are all-around awesome.

Are there other great flow arts-related organizations that are listed on Amazon Smile? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add them leading up to Black Friday.

Help these great organizations in their missions! :)


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