These have been a long-time coming! Three years ago, my friend Memory suggested I put some of the poi patterns I'd been creating in my simulators on a t-shirt. At one point, I nearly put one design out but found the printing quality wasn't up to my standards. Then, last month I put out four images that I quite enjoyed on both my Facebook and my Instagram, asking my followers to vote on their favorites. I'm proud to say that the design they picked is now available for purchase in the DrexFactor online store!
This design features me in silhouette performing a triquetra vs static spin antibrid. This is one of my very favorite poi tricks and I love doing it whether the poi are glow, fire, or contact poi! the pattern is superimposed over the silhouette to give it that techy vibe of getting to see the trails of the poi. Pick one up today for the poi geek in your life :)