
Basic Poi Dancing Tutorial: C-CAPs

CAPs are a great transitional move that can be used to spice up hybrids or even just on their own. They used to be considered pretty technical, but I've seen a lot of people nail them within their first year of spinning. This is the method I've seen most often succeed for teaching beginner or intermediate spinners how to do them and it's inspired by a method for teaching triquetras I saw in an old Alien Jon video.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #273: pendulum vs extension hybrids

Back at IgNight Festival in LA, I worked on a hybrid I'd never seen performed before that mixed up an isolated pendulum and a unit circle extension. By strange coincidence, I happened to see Ronan use another hybrid based in pendulums and extensions, but his used a CAP and a point isolation to achieve a slightly different effect. The two moves utilize a very similar kind of movement and work together really well.

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Joanna Drummond spins fans Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

Joanna Drummond spins fans Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

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Charlie spins Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

Charlie spins Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

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Adam Herscheid spins in Center Camp Monday Burning Man 2011

Adam Herscheid spins in Center Camp Monday Burning Man 2011

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A Walk in the Park -- 4 years of spinning poi

I realized I had failed to mark a milestone in April and the opportunity came up today to shoot some video. Nothing fancy here--just a single take of tech flow with a hilarious mashup in the background. Here's to 4 years of doing what I love :)

A couple people have asked about the song. It's from here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kspPE9E1yGM

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