Drex's Tech Poi Blog #251: Body tracers and even beat hybrids

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Do all even beat hybrids have an accompanying body tracer? That's the question I posed after playing around with some of the body tracers Ted Petrosky taught in his workshop on the same topic at FLAME Festival. After tweaking one of the tracers he'd taught just slightly, I realized it was very similar to a body tracer I'd learned from Thomas "Nevisoul" Johansson. The original tracer he'd taught me turned out to also function as a 4-petal antispin vs 2-petal inspin hybrid. This leads me to wonder if indeed all the hybrids composed of even beat flowers (those that have the same number of downbeats) all have a body tracer variant. This is a challenge both to my viewers and myself! Vulcan Tech Gospel has laid out all the 2:2 even beats for us to see. Can we find body tracers that utilize all of them?

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