
Shapes vs Momentum in Poi Dance

For the past two years I've been struggling to come up with a way to teach poi/dance integration on my YouTube Channel and I've finally struck upon a format that I like! Every month I'll be posting a new video blog covering a topic in flow arts and dance fusion--I'm hoping that by posting the way I'm learning myself that it'll help many of you find ways of merging the two together as well :)

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Stray Italian Greyhound - Partner Poi/Dance Fusion

Super proud to finally be sharing this! I worked with Morgan Howe for several months putting this piece together for Manipulation and Flow Show SF. It features some of our favorite Partner Poi techniques fused with ballet and even a couple lifts!

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Flow Arts and Fitness

The Flow Arts are a fun pastime that allow people be creative while connecting to other people with the same passion, but do they have any additional benefits to the people who practice them?

Today, we’re going to talk about the health effects of the Flow Arts, good and bad, and what that means for the people who practice them.

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Learning Other Peoples' Choreography

I get asked on a not infrequent basis to create videos teaching prop spinners how to add more dance into their work. It’s really flattering, not the least of which because from where I’m sitting I’m a pretty mediocre dancer, but it’s also a really massive challenge. Learning how to dance is without a doubt the single hardest thing I’ve learned in my adult life and part of what makes it so hard is that it really can’t be taught as a step-by-step process unlike many other things I’ve learned in my life.

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What are the Flow Arts?

For the past 8 years I’ve been a poi spinner and Flow Artist and the experience has absolutely changed my life. I created my YouTube channel to share my love of this art with the world and hopefully introduce new people to it. So, with your indulgence, I’m going to take the next several weeks to talk about this wonderful artform and its place in our modern world.

First, let’s start out by defining the Flow Arts:

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"Frost" - Poi/Dance fusion by Drex

Something a little different...I've had a pretty rough winter and wanted to put it into movement. This is a piece I choreographed back in January.

Sadly, YouTube has become an absolute shit-show if you're using any kind of music at all in your videos, so the original audio for this song was blocked on it. Fortunately, I can put whatever audio I want behind video on my own site, so enjoy! :)

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Basic Poi Dancing Tutorial: Footwork in turns

Figured out basic turns but still finding they feel awkward? The problem might be in your feet! This is one of those problems that many of us who lack a movement background tend to encounter as we engage with poi spinning--our bodies aren't used to moving at all, let alone in a way that comes off as graceful. Compounding the problem, it feels as though our arms should be leading the way through our turns, but this seldom is good for us either aesthetically or physically.

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Basic Poi Dancing Tutorial: Warmups

 It was requested over a year ago, but here is a video of some good ways to warm up and condition oneself before spinning. A lot of this is full-body intensive but the shoulder exercise at the end really will help develop the ability to perform flowers for long periods without fatigue.

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Poi Dancing: Spinning on MLK Day 2013

The tradition continues! Got outside to get some flow on and try out some new ideas on MLK Day in Dupont Circle here in DC.

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Basic Poi Dancing Tutorial: The stall workout part 2

Part 2 of the stall workout series! This time we'll be going through all the antispin stalls, which wind up being different because the stall goes through your body core rather than around it.

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