
The Top 10 Poi Spinners of 2012

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Foreways 3 - July 11, 2012 - 5 hours of choreo

A continuation of the Foreways project--Noel came into town for one day and we spent 5 hours writing this piece before recording it. This was our second take of the final piece and though there are a couple bits that are out of synch overall I think the piece was a great success :)

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Drex 2011-2012 Promo

A sample of my performance style for the tail end of 2011 into 2012.

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Drex spins Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

Drex spins Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

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"Olé" Poi Performance at Summer Wildfire 2011

A poi performance I did at Summer Wildfire. Something a little bit new with some dance and clowning thrown in. I got great responses on it, so I'm going to post it and hope folks enjoy it. Thanks to Mitch for the camera work.

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Drex, Asaf Poiboi partner poi Friday Firedrums 2011

Drex, Asaf Poiboi partner poi Friday Firedrums 2011

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Drex spins fire Saturday night Kinetic Fire 2011

I was a little hesitant to post this since I don't really think it's one of my better spins, but I didn't get a chance to do a tech blog this week, so enjoy this instead :)

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Asaf Poiboi, Drex partner poi Saturday Kinetic Fire 2011

Asaf and I light up for some tunneling on Saturday night at Kinetic Fire Festival 2011. Charlie is on the camera--god help us all! ;)

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Kinetic Fire Instructors: Alien Jon, Drex, and Charlie

This past weekend I got to host Alien Jon and Charlie here in DC as we geeked out for several days. We thought it would be an excellent opportunity to record a teacher information video for the upcoming Kinetic Fire Festival and here are the results. My apologies for the audio--I desperately need a better mic.

Kinetic will be May 12-15 in Earlville, IL. For tickets and more information, visit http://www.kineticfire.org

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Spinning in DC on Halloween

The day after a massive party that brought dozens of firespinners to DC following the Stewart and Colbert rallies, a few die-hards stuck around for a spin jam at Malcolm X Park in DC. Here is Baz, Ted, Maddy, Erik (e6), and me (Drex) hanging out and spinning in the park till sundown.

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