
A Beginners' guide to Poi (QFT) Notation

If you were are the recent Kinetic Fire Festival or have spoken to either Charlie Cushing or myself face-to-face in the past six months, it's entirely possible you've heard of Charlie's Quantized Field Theory for poi and one of its applications: notation for props. We taught a class together at Kinetic in which Charlie enthusiastically explored the idea with the crowd while I, suffering from a nasty cold and laryngitis, did my best not to collapse and make everybody's day a little dreary.

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Charlie's QFT instruction videos--now easier to watch!

So...roll call, how many of us interested in QFT have ever bothered to watch Charlie's videos on the topic all the way through? The one on notation clocks in at an astounding 45 minutes and I'll confess that even though I've been working on the notation system with him for nearly a year, I've never watched the video all the way through. 45 minutes was just too long a commitment to make for something that didn't showcase any spinning and was all theory and instruction.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #202: QFT hybrid family analysis

The companion video to Tech Blog 200--this one on how to find hybrid families using QFT (poi) notation. I highly recommend watching this in 720 and full screen so you can see all the numbers on the whiteboard. For some background, I highly recommend checking out my blog entry on the basics of QFT here:

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