DrexFactor Poi Blog

Christmas Poi Fun

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #365: 3 beat fantastic four

Last week in New York, Noel taught me this fun variant on the Fantastic Four. One of the things I really dig about it is that it really is the Fantastic Four we all know and love with only one significant tweak, so if you've already got the FF, this move isn't so huge a leap. 3-beat, though? Not sure if the name really encompasses it.


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Profiles in Poi: Teddy Petrosky

Profiles in poi covers one of my dearest friends in the spinning world--Teddy Petrosky (Elemensce). Here, Teddy tells the story of how he first saw poi as a shy kid 9 years ago and how it won out over his other hobbies to become his passion in life.


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"Foreways 3" Poi Duet Drex and Noel Yee - Flow Show NYC 2013

Flow Show NYC was epic this year! :) Noel and I brought the piece we'd written together the previous summer to the Big Apple. This was our performance of it from the second Saturday night show on 12/14/13.


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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #364: One handed mercedes (triquetra vs extension)

This one's been a while in the works: trying to do a polyrhythm hybrid with only one hand! The trick here is to remember which poi is closer at which point in the shape so you can aim it accordingly. Cool looking trick but requires a lot of work and accuracy!


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Profiles in Poi: Marvin Ong

By popular demand! Continuing my series of interviews with fascinating people in the poi community with the one and only Marvin Ong. Here, Marvin relates how he got into spinning, what drew him to the community, and how he elected to pursue spinning full time as Master Ong. A true immigrant success story! :)

Visit Marvin on the web at:

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Holiday Shopping for a Good Cause

Last week I got tagged in what turned out to be an incredibly badass and informative post by Cory Oliver from Florida. He’d discovered that Amazon has added a feature wherein they will donate .5% of your purchase to the charity of your choice. Currently all the charities they have listed to donate to are those that appear on Guidestar, so regrettably some of my favorites are not there.

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Basic Poi Dancing Tutorial: Tuck Turns 2

I've touched on this topic before, but I wanted to explore it in greater depth by applying it to all the different timing and direction combinations. Tuck turns are a great way to add an additional visual dynamic to reel turns--I highly recommend adding them to your repertoire!

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Basic Poi Dancing Tutorial: Extensions

One of those bad habits that nearly all of us develop in our first year of spinning poi is the tendency to focus the poi's movement on the hand and wrist such that when we begin to play with flowers and the like, it becomes difficult to think of the poi being an extension of the hand rather than controlled by it. Here are a series of exercises to being with this type of movement. Most 2D tech poi is highly reliant on the mobility of the arms, so the sooner one trains themselves out of folding the arms against he body, the better!

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #363: CAP vs Extension

Triquetra vs pendulum is probably my favorite poi move, but it's kind of a misnomer because the triquetra is really something more like a CAP. With that in mind, I came up with this other CAP and combined it with an extension to create a different move that in some respects inverts elements of triquetra vs pendulum while still including many if not all of the elements of this move.

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