Vector graphics of poi patterns

As I've played around with my soft and hard transition ideas, I've found it helpful to move around the hand and poi paths of some popular moves in Illustrator and other graphics editing programs, but my technique for doing so has left a lot to be desired. Essentially, I've been putting the proper variables into an online spirograph program (located at and mirrored below), taking a screencapture of the result, and importing it into Illustrator using the livetrace function.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #368: 3-poi CAP/Point Iso Tribrid

Chris Kelly does this really nifty 3-poi trick that I edited into the Top 10 video for this year where he does a CAP going one way and a point iso vs extension going the other way. His version has a CAP in the opposite hand, but I found I could synchronize this trick with a static spin to create some lovely tribrid lines. Demonstrated here in both opposites and same direction.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #363: CAP vs Extension

Triquetra vs pendulum is probably my favorite poi move, but it's kind of a misnomer because the triquetra is really something more like a CAP. With that in mind, I came up with this other CAP and combined it with an extension to create a different move that in some respects inverts elements of triquetra vs pendulum while still including many if not all of the elements of this move.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #332: BTH CAP vs CAP

Something I spotted in a video of Ted Petrosky made me think of this--he did a cool body tracer around his shoulders (if memory serves, I've seen Michael Parisi doing the same tracer) and it occurred to me that the top part could be combined with a C-CAP faced downward to create a cool variant on BTH static vs CAP.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #327: BTH Antibrids

A nifty idea picked up from Conway Jennings when he was last in DC--switching the direction of a CAP vs static spin BTH to get different antibrid combinations. It creates the same sort of relationship between hand and poi that CAP vs pendulum does, but with a cool BTH element.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #301: More point iso fun

Taking a thread from last week's video that included some fun uses of point isolations, here are a few that utilize the split-opposites timing and include either horizontal cateyes or pendulum vs CAP.

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Basic Poi Dancing Tutorial: C-CAPs

CAPs are a great transitional move that can be used to spice up hybrids or even just on their own. They used to be considered pretty technical, but I've seen a lot of people nail them within their first year of spinning. This is the method I've seen most often succeed for teaching beginner or intermediate spinners how to do them and it's inspired by a method for teaching triquetras I saw in an old Alien Jon video.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #273: pendulum vs extension hybrids

Back at IgNight Festival in LA, I worked on a hybrid I'd never seen performed before that mixed up an isolated pendulum and a unit circle extension. By strange coincidence, I happened to see Ronan use another hybrid based in pendulums and extensions, but his used a CAP and a point isolation to achieve a slightly different effect. The two moves utilize a very similar kind of movement and work together really well.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #249: Fishtail antibrids

Featuring Kate McCoy! Kate taught an awesome class on fishtails at FLAME Festival near Atlanta, GA and we had some really cool breakthroughs in the course of it. One of which was a combo that utilized triquetra vs pendulum wherein the pendulum is performed with a fishtail pendulum. This made me think of a pendulum vs CAP, which sets you up for an interesting passing move wherein you switch which hand is holding which part of the poi.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #214: Composites vs CAPs

Last video we rolled through three different approaches to defining CAPs. Here is an alternate approach to breaking down such motions: a couple years ago, Alien Jon introduced me to the idea of spinning composites. Compositing is chaining together increments of poi movement that overlap in hand and poi position to either create repeatable patterns or transition and shift seamlessly between patterns.

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