Written Blog

How to Host a Spin Jam

Last time we talked about spin jams and why they’re so great at nurturing community. But what if you don’t live in a place that has a regular spin jam? This week, we’ll talk about how you can host one of these wonderful events to your area.

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Spin Jams

One of the biggest reasons people take up the flow arts is the social component--getting to know other people who share the same interest and collaborating, cross-pollenating ideas, or even just hanging out. Today, we’re going to talk a little about spin jams and the role they play in Flow Arts Culture.

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Dancing With Fire

For many of us that practice the Flow Arts, our first introduction to it is via seeing fire performance and being amazed by the beauty and power of it. Today, we’re going to talk about the role of fire in the Flow Arts and how to do it safely.

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A History of the Flow Arts, Part 2

Last week we talked a bit about the history of the different props that have become a part of the Flow Arts world. Today, we’re going to talk about how the Flow Arts emerged from a wide range of diverse sources, including festival culture, philosophy, and the emergence of the internet.

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Flow Festival Life Hacks

Fire Festival season is upon us! Only a few years ago there were merely five events for Flow Artists to attend in the United States. Last year, there were close to fifty!

Festivals are a popular way to connect with other artists, meet your favorite YouTube or Instagram stars, and connect deeply with your artform for the weekend. I’ve traveled to a LOT of festivals in my day and I’d like to share a few of my lessons learned with you guys.

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A History of the Flow Arts, Part 1

Last week we started our discussion of the culture of the Flow Arts by defining the term and placing it in the context of the wider movement arts world. Today, we’re going to be talking about the history of the artform and how it came to be.

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What are the Flow Arts?

For the past 8 years I’ve been a poi spinner and Flow Artist and the experience has absolutely changed my life. I created my YouTube channel to share my love of this art with the world and hopefully introduce new people to it. So, with your indulgence, I’m going to take the next several weeks to talk about this wonderful artform and its place in our modern world.

First, let’s start out by defining the Flow Arts:

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(3)1 day(s) of flow: spring double staff compilation

Back in January, I took on the challenge of posting a video of a new trick to Instagram each and every day for 31 days (the challenge was originally for 30 days, but hey, prime numbers!). This was a fun challenge that really helped to deepen my palette of tricks with double staff and explore in depth a number of concepts that I'd only scratched the surface on or never thought to combine together before.

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How to handle creative plateaus

You’ve been rocking out your prop for weeks or even months. You’ve picked up so many tricks that amaze both you and your friends. You’ve worked hard and have seen so many results from that effort.

But then it all comes to a grinding halt.

Suddenly practice feels like a slog--hard work with little benefit seen. You either can’t find any new tricks you want to learn or those you do seem maddeningly out of reach. Your passion and energy are starting to ebb...it can be only one thing. You’ve hit the dreaded plateau!

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When am I ready to spin fire?

You’ve seen those rock stars out on the burn field, dancing with fire like they were born to it. You’ve gotten ahold of your own tool and you’ve had your first lesson--now the important question: when are you ready to spin fire?

For so many of us, the fire is the hook that draws us in. It is a primal element that makes us stand up and go: Wow, I want to do that! Many of us, when we first light up, want to look like the people who inspired us--spinning effortlessly and beautifully to an adoring crowd.

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