DrexFactor Poi Blog

Drex's Tech Poi Blog #194 Pendulum stall chasers

Here's a move I demoed in an Odds and Ends video a couple months ago, but was also a huge hit at Burning Man. The idea is to take something that is like a stall chaser and introduce both right angles and pendulum stalls into the mix. This essentially turns the move into a series of stalls done in staggered timing and theoretically also offers a great transition between horizontal stacks and vertical stacks.

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #193: Triangle vs triquetra atomic hybrid

A cool challenge popped up on the Tech Poi Group on Facebook about two weeks ago: the possibility of doing a triquetra hybrid that would incorporate the plane-bent triangle flower I've showed off now in a couple videos. David Foregger was kind enough to model it using his poi simulator and based on that I was able to sort out this pattern. The triangle here needs some cleaning up, but the gist of the move is definitely there. With the polishing I think this will be a really cool looking hybrid.

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A special message from Drex

A personal request to my viewers: I want to be out teaching more and I need y'alls help to make it happen. Here's how:

Like my page on Facebook so I can tell you when I come to your town:

Request that I come to your city either on my website of my Eventful page:

If you live in the DC/Maryland/Northern Virginia area, come take class from me at Contradiction Dance on Thursdays 8-9:30:

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Joanna Drummond spins fans Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

Joanna Drummond spins fans Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

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Ted Petrosky rocking out hoop Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

Ted Petrosky rocking out hoop Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

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Ted Petrosky rocking out poi Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

Ted Petrosky rocking out poi Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

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Charlie spins Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

Charlie spins Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

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Summoning the Elder Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

Summoning the Elder Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

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Drex spins Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

Drex spins Saturday night Fall Wildfire 2011

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Drex's Tech Poi Blog #192: Ronan's fractal flowers

Last week at the Tahoe Flow Arts Festival I got to take a nifty class from Ronan on advanced flowers. The class was really centered around creating the kinds of fractal motions that Damien has been referring to as third-order motions and that have a variety of other names. Zan's diamond is one example and it's shown here accompanied by the technique Ronan uses to get there. Even more intriguing were fractal breakdowns for triquetras and box-mode flowers. The triquetra fractal really has my brain running in particular. It's demoed here in 3 different timing and direction combinations.

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