horizontal cateye

Drex's Tech Poi Blog #301: More point iso fun

Taking a thread from last week's video that included some fun uses of point isolations, here are a few that utilize the split-opposites timing and include either horizontal cateyes or pendulum vs CAP.

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Video Tech Blog #130: Iso vs horizontal cateye as a CAP

Sorry I've disappeared! Last week was really intense and I didn't have a chance to do a video blog. This is based upon a trick Ted from New York posted in a video a few weeks ago wherein he was switching to iso vs horizontal cateye at each of the side petals of an opposites split-time antispin flower. Continuing with the antispin flower means that the hands have to exit on the opposite side of the unit circle they enter from, so you have to exit after half a turn, or add a half turn to every complete rotation of the trick.

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Poi Tech Blog #107: pendulum vs CAP horizontal cateye transitions

Dovetailing both on Noel's interesting take on using isolated pendulums in the pendulum vs CAP hybrid and Ronan's pendulum vs cateye transition using the same pattern, there are patches on either side of this pattern wherein we can enter an iso vs horizontal cateye with minimal effort and the results look damned interesting. One can do this hybrid on each side, but the timing switches to come back to the original pattern are difficult to keep track of.

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