unit circle

Video Tech Blog #24: CAPs as variants on unit circle, cateye 1.5s

Very short blog this week...DJ pointed out to me last week that the CAP, flower, and isolation patterns I've been playing with constitute a variant on unit circles wherein the direction of the poi change with the direction of the hand, thus creating a grid with extensions and isolations overlapping each other rather than extensions, cateyes, and isos overlapping each other. Also, I've started playing with 1.5 patterns that use cateye rather than static spin patterns. The first one resembles a hybrid I've seen Alien Jon do.

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Video Tech Blog #15: Horizontal Cateye

Finally! After months of practice I can demo a horizontal cateye! At least, I think I can. At points it looks suspiciously like a linear extension, though when I practiced it in the mirror I could definitely see my hand trace a circle. Maybe it's a function of the low angle? At any rate, here's some work with unit circles inspired by a video made by Noel based upon Alien Jon and Arashi's unit circle concepts. View the vid that helped me crack this here:

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Video Tech Blog #11: Buzzsaw flowers, hybrids, 1.5s

Playing around with asymmetrical buzzsaw flower variations, tips from Alien Jon on how to practice unit circle hybrids, and a 1.5 variation from Mireneye's recent tech poi vid.

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