DrexFactor Poi Blog

Poi Dancing Tutorial: How to use Levels and Level Changes

Several years ago I went on an Easter holiday to Ocean City, MD and spent some time getting my flow on while I was on the boardwalk.

I had a friend take some video--it was some of the earliest footage I'd seen of myself moving with poi and I was overcome with one thought.

I looked horrible.

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Beginner Poi Dance Combo for July 2017

Learning transitions is almost like learning poi all over again.

We all know that feeling when you've spent hours trying to learn a trick and the moment of victory when you can do it reliably.

Then you realize you have no idea how to connect it to your other tricks...

Many of us when we first start out simply do a trick for a few repetitions, stop spinning, do our next trick for a few reps, and stop again.

It can be an agonizing way to start out--especially if you're spinning fire!

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Drex's Road Diary: Czech Republic and Pyroterra

What is home?

It's a deceptively simple question but it somehow becomes a lot more complicated when you travel frequently. I have people and places that feel like home to me all over the world.

Home feels like watching Game of Thrones with my friend Kate McCoy in Ohio. Home feels like catching up with my friend Tracy in New York City. Home feels like hiking where I grew up in Colorado.

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Hedgehogs vs Foxes in the Flow World

By and large I feel like people in the Flow Arts community fit into one of two categories: those that want to pick up all the props and those that want to get really good at just a few or even one.

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Future Poi by Moodhoops Review

I’ve spent some time now playing with both the Future Poi Lites as well as Future Poi Remote and I’m gonna cover how they operate, how they feel, and give a brief overview of pros and cons for these.

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Revolutionary Motion 2017 Auditions

Revolutionary Motion is DC's premiere fire spinning troupe and we're about to begin our 2017 season. This year we'll again have two projects: Burning Man fire conclave and a fall stage performance and we'd love to add you to our roster!

Every year RevMo becomes far more than a fire troupe--the people you spend time with will become your friends and family over the course of the year, creating powerful relationships and connections that work both inside the rehearsal space and outside.

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3 Poi Dance Combos for all Skill Levels

Learned a few poi tricks and now trying to figure out how to string them together into transitions, dance, or flow? Check out this new video! I've written 3 move combos that feature tricks I've been covering in my 1-minute tutorial series. I've included one for every skill level and each builds upon the work of the previous combo. The last combo also incorporates footwork and dance to make the combo performance-worthy!

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Shapes vs Momentum in Poi Dance

For the past two years I've been struggling to come up with a way to teach poi/dance integration on my YouTube Channel and I've finally struck upon a format that I like! Every month I'll be posting a new video blog covering a topic in flow arts and dance fusion--I'm hoping that by posting the way I'm learning myself that it'll help many of you find ways of merging the two together as well :)

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Top 10 Favorite Poi Spinners of 2016 Vote Rundown

The top 10 favorite poi spinners of 2016 video is out! This is the fifth year of this project and like every year, this one broke many of the rules I'd come to believe about how the vote count sorts out. First and most important (to me) is that this is the first year that two women have made the list! Ever since we had a list of 10 men I've badly wanted to see more women crack into the top 10 and this was the year I finally got my wish.

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2016 in Retrospect

2016 has been a really incredible year in so very many different ways. Now that it's nearly over, I wanted to share some of my highlights from this year with you all :)

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