DrexFactor Poi Blog

Video Tech Blog #79: CAP to hybrid stalls and transitions out

Nick Woolsey and G posted a video today that featured G doing a crazy kind of hybrid stall I'd never seen before. I got to playing with it and here is a fun pattern that came out of it, switching between CAP patterns with a split buzzsaw flower.

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Video Blog #78: Mixed transition from horizontal cateye to vertical cateye

I got a request this past week based upon a mixed transition diagram I'd posted to Facebook for instructions on how to do one of the transitions outlined in it: namely switching from root horizontal cateye to ET vertical cateye. Primarily I'm using gravity to help in this case, but there is a way to snap the poi head vertically to do it as a mixed transition with the hand soft--it's damned hard, though.

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Video Tech Blog #77: BTH Hybrids

Last week PoiBoi07 posted a great vid with some fun triquetra and cateye hybrids performed with the static/isolating hand behind the head. Here is the same hybrid as well as a couple others I've seen that utilize a similar approach, including extensions and C-CAPs.

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I Believe/The Disorder of Things

This weekend comes the fruit of weeks worth of labor: my glowspinning troupe, Revolutionary Motion is performing at Contradiction Dance's spring concert. Featuring some of my favorite local spinners: Surprise, E6, Mia, and Maddy, we've worked up a piece incorporating elements of modern dance and hip hop with our tools and we're stoked to be performing this piece in such a fantastic setting.

If you live in the Baltimore/Washington area, please consider attending. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

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Video Tech Blog #76: transition theory and weaves

Had an interesting revelation over the weekend: thus far all the work I've done on the concept of transition theory (hard and soft transitions) has been restricted to 2D epi and hypertrochoid shapes. While playing with a mixed transition CAP pattern over the weekend, I suddenly realized I could repeat the pattern without altering its character by switching to the plane behind me. Technically, such a transition means going to an ET relative to wheel plane, but it behaves like an IT due to conservation of angular momentum.

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Video Tech Blog #75: 6-petal split-opposites antispin flowers with doubles

It's been a while since I've broken out the doubles! This past weekend a friend and former student showed me an alternate way to perform a split-time opposites antispin flower with doubles that opened the door to figuring out how a couple friends from Virginia Beach are able to do a 6-petal variant of this same move. Basically: you switching from thumbs leading to pinkies leading. Here is a demo and detailed instructions.

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And now for something more personal...

We interrupt your regularly scheduled poi program to bring you a special bulletin:

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Video Tech Blog #74: mixed transition CAPs with a vertical split

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Video Tech Blog #73: quarter time stalls and pendulums with stacks

After posting tech blog #71, I realized I could easily take the top stall that was giving me so many problems and use it to transition into the pendulum stall down maneuver I already had down to create kind of a funky waterfall effect. As was pointed out in comments, this move also provides an excellent point of entry for Ronan's pendulum stall stacking move from BJC--that transition is demoed here as well.

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Video Tech Blog #72: inverted mixed transitions

DerPoiBenne sent me an inquiry about doing a mixed transition with loop up top and extension down below inverted and it turns out it's doable with a stall. Here it is performed in split opposites such that one segment is antispin flower and the other is extension. I'd originally misunderstood what he was suggesting and did the loop as a major translation/linear isolation, so here is an interesting 4-step pattern using this property as well.

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